چکیده انگلسی (93): تفاوت بین نسخه‌ها

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پرش به: ناوبری، جستجو
(صفحه‌ای تازه حاوی «==Scheduled Waqf, an strategy in optimization and development of Waqf culture== Mohammad Reza Elmi Sola Elnaz Birjandian Ali Mohammadi...» ایجاد کرد)
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نسخهٔ کنونی تا ‏۴ فوریهٔ ۲۰۱۸، ساعت ۰۸:۳۲

Scheduled Waqf, an strategy in optimization and development of Waqf culture

Mohammad Reza Elmi Sola Elnaz Birjandian Ali Mohammadian The main goal of this paper is to study of Waqf in a new point of view. In this method, the benefactor divides Waqf process to two or more groups in different consumption views so that quality of using the endowed properties has been defined. For example, a person endows his/her house for four different groups and make a condition to each group to use it for three month a year. One of the benefits of this method is sufficient productivity of minimum facilities and increasing domain of divine tradition. By using the new method, the benefactor has more free hand in determination of his/ her endowed properties and other can use the endowed properties in good manner. Key words: Waqf, endowment, beneficiary, benefactor, scheduling. The role of Safavid dynasty in the ups and downs of Waqf Mohammad Shormij Waqf includes different aspects such as land donation, different places construction and using facilities so that according to intention of benefactor, different groups can enjoy them. Regarding to development of endowed properties and establishment of Waqf institution in Safavid period, a high ranked person appointed as its supervisor. According to the Safavid government policy, Waqf institute and high ranked person had upward and downward trends. So, the main goal of this research is to study of the effect of Safavid government on turning the Waqf institute and its high ranked person using a descriptive and analytical method. This research is important because Waqf institute had effect on political and religious legitimacy of Safavid kings and also providing revenues of Sadat, poor people and religious scientists so recognition and explanation of Waqf is very important. To acquire of legitimacy, strengthen the Shiite and social and economic goals, Safavid kings paid attention to Waqf. The method of this study is on the basis of library as logical description and analysis of historical data. Key words: Waqf institute, high ranked statute, Safavid density, Safavid kings. Control system of the endowed properties in Iran

Sayyed Mojtaba Sajjadi Jazi

Waqf and endowments history have had ups and downs. Many of endowments have abused and have spent unlike the benefactor intention. In the special political positions and many of social crisis such as war and formation of new governments, many of these endowments were confiscated by the governors for their benefits. So, some of organizations were determined to preserve and protect of endowments. Nowadays, some of Islamic countries such as Iran have approved regulations to monitoring of endowments and Awqaf properties maintenance and management has been rest with Awqaf and charity organization. Also, judiciary organization monitors its quality.The main goal of this research is to study of regulatory dimension of Awqaf organization and explanation of its various aspects. Key words: Waqf, Awqaf organization, judiciary organization, control system. The link between religious beliefs and economic activities (case study: endowed Caravanserais in Amol) Shahram Yousofifar Masomeh Yadollah poor Waqf connects economic and social institutes and Islamic intelligence has been important in providing urban installations such as Caravanserais. Along with urban development, attention to the social, economic and political situations was developed. Some of endowed properties were related to other economic and social factors so it leads to institutionalization of religious beliefs and link to the economic activities. In this research, Amol endowed Caravanserais and the relationship between Iranian religious beliefs and economic activities have been studied. Key words: Bazar, caravanserais, Amol, Wqf, economic factors. An archeological study of endowed cisterns in Zanjan in the Qajar period Ali Noorallahi

Sara Alipoor

Iran is located in arid region with relatively low rainfall, so Iranian have respected to the water. One of the solutions for compatibility with this situation has been cisterns construction. According to the historical evidences, the first cistern has been constructed in Zanjan with cylindrical and columned hall architectures. Zanjan is located in North West of Iran which has low rainfall. So it has leaded to construction of many cisterns in this city which all of them have been endowed with multifunctional applications. Other strategy to access to water in Zanjan has been Abdozdak. In this research, Iran climate and its effect on cistern construction, water importance and architecture of cisterns, geographical location of Zanjan and its only glacier have been studied and finally, a summary of materials is presented. Key words: cistern, Waqf, water, Zanjan, Abdozdak.

Investigation of two samples of endowed historical moveable objects in Zanjan

Parastoo Ghasemi Andarood Waqf is an outstanding example of donation and is origin of many cultural, social and economic services. During the different periods, Waqf tradition has been spread among sponsors, dignitaries, rulers and common religious people and some of benefactors have endowed their properties to the public to do a pious act. The main goal of this research is to study of two samples of endowed historical moveable objects, a revealed clay pot from Soltniyeh with Waqf inscription of Abvab al-Bar related to Ilkhan period and endowed trough related to Mahadieh mosque attributed to Ahmad Shah Qajar. Key words: Waqf, Abvab al- Bar, Ilkahnian, Soltaniyeh, trough, Qajar, Zanjan.

A deed of endowment for Hezar Jerib village in Boin va Miandasht

HamidReza Mirmohammadi In this research, a deed of endowment for "Hezar Jerib" village in Boin va Miandasht has been reviewed. Before, this city was a part of Fereidan which in 2013, change to independent city. So now, Hezar Jerib village is a part of Boin va Miandasht. According to this deed of endowment, whole of this village has been endowed. The author hopes that publication of this deed help to development and revival of Waqf. Key words: Hezar Jerib, Boin va Miandasht, Fereidan, Mir Mohammad Sadeq Khansari. Review of woven deed of endowment from Zandieh period (1184- 1230) Samaneh Kakavand Study of history help to clear present situation. Understanding religious and ideological aspects of ancestors determines their beliefs and spiritual matters situations in their life. For that, Waqf in Zandieh period (1184- 1230) has been studied. Zanieh government period was short- lived so study of documents in this era can clear uncertainties and doubts. The main goal of this research is to introduce of woven deed of endowment in zandieh era and study of Awqaf situation in the mentioned period. Does Waqf been used at time of Karim Khan Zand? The research statistical society is a carpet related to Zandieh era which is held in the national museum in Iran. Sampling method is non- probabilistic and the results are on the basis of library studies and museum observations, the method of research is descriptive, historical and analytical. Key words: Waqf, Taqi khan Darani, Zandieh, woven deed of endowment, Kerman.

Personality and position of Emamzadeh Ebrahim ibn- Mosa (P.B.U.H) (Emamzadeh Narmi)

Mohammad Hossein Riahi Developments in the first centuries of Hegira in Iran and historical immigration of Imam Reza (P.B.U.H) caused to entrance of significant number of Sadat and Alavis to Iran so cultural and spiritual spaces and also Shia have been developed in many of region. One of the famous holy shrines is Emamzadeh Ebrahim ibn- Mosa (Narmi) located in Borkhar area in Esfahan. In this research, the influence of holy shrine in different dimensions has been studied. Key words: Emamzadeh Ebrahim ibn- Mosa (P.B.U.H), spiritual transformation, Esfahan, Borkhar.

Introduction on legal and judicial study of Waqf from and on legal entities

Sayyed Amir Hossein Kmrani Rad The author is Ehsan Samani and the mentioned book has been published by Majd publication in 500 copies and 238 pages in 2015. The author has described the validity and legitimacy of Waqf from legal entities and its effect on legal entities in Feqh and Islamic laws point of view. Since conclusion of Waqf agreement is related to some of conditions such as ownership right of the benefactor, intent of divine nearness and etc., so some other topics such as possessing the enjoyment qualifications and vindication of legal personality, conditions of intent of divine nearness and its circumstances have been studied.

Key words: Waqf, law, feqh, legal entity.